Saturday, June 21, 2008

I had loads of fun in Turkey catching up with old friends like Tayfun, Bilge, Rakesh and of course Muayad (who bought 2 boxes of chocolates for Jer), unfortunately I had a very bad fall on the 2nd day and sprained my ankle very badly and could not walk around much. Vincent had to piggy-back me up the slope when the pain was unbearable. Qi said it was so korean-drama-ish. Even Herbert offered to piggly-back me (I suspected it was to trick me in revealing my weight!!)For the rest of the trip I had 2 "nu chai" to help me fetch and carry.

Tayfun recalled seeing Min's tiny shoes in Vincent's car in one of his trips to Singapore and thought that they were shoes for her dolls!

CL was really fun to be with, and we really missed him at the gala dinner when he went back early. Mr Yung was as usual very serious, but when he did come up with very quotable quotes once in a while, like "the raw salad is as bland as the nun's urine".

I did a "Qi" one morning when Vincent was in the meeting - I took a taxi to Taksim Square (did a bit of shopping) and then found a nice cafe where I drank apple tea. I wished I was able to explore Istanbul more but there was that much I could do while limping around.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the daydreaming + people watching part! A 'Qi' is not a 'Qi' without those two, not even if you wiled away at a roadside cafe.

BTW, I think I ate up all of Jer's chocolates.

And you didn't write anything about Walkers Annonymous!

Anonymous said...

Qi, I am always impressed with the things you come up with. Going to miss you when you go to SA.

When I was a kid, I day dream too, sitting on the water pipe by the longkang watching cars goes by.

It was fun to be with Pa's friend like Uncle Herbert,Uncle Tayfun Uncle CL and Uncle Yung and even Wichit. Ma, glad you came along to keep me company. Apprently Ali and Ibrahim (Kuwaitis in my office) ask me if I tried the kebab (Turkisk Hamburger). They said the best kebab are in Istanbul which I know Ma simply loves it.

Adeline Ng said...

Yes I did people watch, but did not day dream. Unfortunately no hot guys on that day!

Adeline Ng said...

I told you he would cry and your wedding.